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    BlueBlood Build - (Demons Souls Remake) - Darksouls123

    BlueBlood Build - (Demons Souls Remake)

    BlueBlood Build - (Demons Souls Remake)

    Platform: PS5


    RRP 75.00


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    BlueBlood Build - (Demons Souls Remake)


    • Product description

      BlueBlood Build - (Demons Souls Remake)

      BlueBlood Build - (Demons Souls Remake) 


      Back from retirement in 2016, the BlueBlood Build! * This is not a PVP build since PVP is dead. This will get you through the game solo! * Endurance must be at least 35 because the BB Sword has a kick ass combo at 35 Endurance. Just spam R1, either 1 or 2-handed, to stunlock pretty much anything that lives through it. * You have just enough MP to cast both spells, if you plan on running with light weapon the whole stage, you better stock up on the Spice! * Dark Silver Shield makes you magic spells less powerful, but does not effect Light Weapon. So you are better off sticking to situational spells like Water Veil and Poison Mist when you need them. * If you need extra MP to cast Soul Thirst when farming Wraiths in Shrine of Storms, equip a Silver Circlet, and Silver Catalyst to bump your MP over 200.


      Build Equipments

      Rt Hand 1:  

      Blueblood Sword

      Buy Blueblood Sword -(DEMON'S SOULS REMAKE)

      Lt Hand 1:  

      Compound Long Bow

      Buy Compound Long Bow+10 -(DEMON'S SOULS REMAKE)

      Rt Hand 2:

      Dark Silver Shield

      Buy Dark Silver Shield+5 -(DEMON'S SOULS REMAKE)

      Lt Hand 2:  

      Talisman of Beasts

      Buy Talisman of Beasts -(DEMON'S SOULS REMAKE)


      Fluted Helmet

      Fluted Armor

      Fluted Gauntlets

      Fluted Leggings

      Buy Fluted Set -(DEMON'S SOULS REMAKE) - FarmGolds

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